Sunday, June 21, 2015

Alzheimer Definition

Alzheimer Definition - Alzheimer's disease, generally called simply Alzheimer's, is a degenerative debilitating dementia that appears more frequently in old age from 65 years. When it comes to dementia syndrome, which is a series of symptoms that in time change the normal functionality of the organism; Alzheimer's disease is the cause of dementia in 50-60% of cases.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's

As we predicted Alzheimer's dementia is caused by a progressive degeneration of the brain cells, particularly those in the areas of language, memory, perception and cognition. Alzheimer's disease is not infectious, is not contagious, is often hereditary and is not a result of normal aging, i.e. not all getting old are affected by Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer Definition
Alzheimer Definition

Alzheimer's disease is also called "4 disease" on the basis of symptoms presenting during its evolution:

  • Amnesia, memory loss;
  • Aphasia, inability to properly use verbal language;
  • Agnosia, inability to process stimuli and to recognize people, places or things;
  • Apraxia, inability to perform voluntary movements.
  • The mortality of Alzheimer's patients is higher than that of persons of the same age not sick, the most common cause of death is pneumonia, this is because Alzheimer's reduces the immune system increases the risk of contracting infections. Generally the duration of the disease varies from 3 to 20 years.

Alzheimer's causes are still unknown, although research turns on three areas-family history, external environment, internal causes to the body – without identify a prevalent on other, because most scholars believed to be caused by a combination of factors.

Alzheimer's society

In Italy the population stricken by Alzheimer's is about 500,000 people worldwide, about 18 million. Data over time have grown because grown is the average age and the ageing of the population overall. Alzheimer's as well as having a strong impact on the individual, it also has repercussions on society as a whole. There is not a valid therapy for Alzheimer's patients, the disease worsens with time, increasingly demanding economic, organizational resources but above all emotional, for the sick and for his family.

alzheimers definition
alzheimer society

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