Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How To Prevent Alzheimers - Preventing Alzheimers

How To Prevent Alzheimers - 44 million people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, with 36 million, the most common of them. This figure expected to reach 135 billion in 2050 with corresponding social and economic problems that this entails.

Despite great efforts in research, the etiology of the disease is not clear, the methodology for diagnosis is limited and there are only symptomatic treatments that do not alter the course of the disease, they just slightly delayed the advance of the same. There are multiple drugs in various stages of development, most molecules neuromodulatory or anti-amiloidogenicas. However, the recent failures in advanced stages of clinical phases of compounds with Aß, has led to the interest for new targets, therapeutic approaches and clinical designs. In fact, own guidelines of regulatory agencies have transmitted these concerns in their updates to refer to the development of drugs against Alzheimer's.

New trends in research in Alzheimer's disease are designed to solve three major problems: etiology, diagnosis and treatment.

The priority is to anticipate and try to tackle disease development early in stages. Therefore, seeks more prevention than treatment, or rather, the objective is the search for disease-modifying drugs administered in the early stages will be able to modify the same progression. To be able to act in advance before they begin to demonstrate the consequences of the disease and thus have more chances to stop their advance or even cure the disease, it must be able to carry out diagnostic early.
How To Prevent Alzheimers - Preventing Alzheimers
How To Prevent Alzheimers - Preventing Alzheimers

Currently are being invested many resources in the development of diagnostic tools that allow it. Given the peculiar characteristics of the would-be patients, whose clinical manifestations are even emerging as with a patient with mild cognitive impairment, the development of tools not invasive becomes essential. In this way the work is centered in the search for biomarkers from human fluids that allow to predict that an individual will suffer from Alzheimer's disease. The use of these not only biomarkers will diagnose but also help to follow the progression of the disease and thereby facilitate therapeutic intervention and thus the success of therapy. You can also improve clinical designs and thus accelerate the developments.

The other workhorse resides in search of targets alternatives to those that are using and whose exploitation has led to recurrent failures in clinic. The current development of drugs valued new targets, not amyloid plaques or tangles, the main objective. These new targets include neuronal death, synaptic plasticity, oxidative stress, inflammation, metabolism of cholesterol, vascular targets or the mitochondria and the use of energy. Although there is some controversy surrounding the etiology of Alzheimer's, no denying today that it is a multifactorial disease, and as such, there is more than one target likely to be modified. This is why priority is given to the search for molecules carboplatin with more than one mechanism of action. Combination therapy, a trend also extended into other pathologies of such magnitude.

It is a new era for the development of drugs against Alzheimer's. Now we don't expect. We work to anticipate and be able to win a battle that we have lost so far always.

You can read another articles like  Alzheimer Medication Donepezil,
Alzheimers Shimptoms, Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers, How To Diagnose Alzheimers With A Blood Test.

preventing alzheimers
how to prevent alzheimers
alzheimer treatment

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