Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stages Of Alzheimers - Alzheimers Stages

Stages Of Alzheimers - The course of the disease in stages meant solely to guide who takes care of the sick on the evolutionary characteristics of the disease in order to allow for adequate planning of care and a greater awareness of what can happen and how to tackle it. The disease varies from person to person. We can however identify 3 main phases of disease.

1. mild Dementia (average duration 2-4 years):
It is characterized by disorders of memory, how can we forget the names and phone numbers, but, given the serious nature of these signs, they may go unnoticed or be justified as natural consequences of age. The progressive loss of memory, especially recently, can interfere with the normal course of daily commitments. The person finds it difficult to orient themselves in space and time, for example, may have trouble finding their way home. Even the language begins to be compromise: appear difficult to produce appropriate phrases to support thinking, frequent breaks are used for inability to "find the right word." The mood becomes more depressed as a result of his progressive disability awareness, or the reaction can be characterized by aggressive demonstrations and anxious.
Stages Of Alzheimers - Alzheimers Stages
Stages Of Alzheimers - Alzheimers Stages

2. moderate Dementia (average 2-10 years):
is the phase time typically longer-lasting, and is characterized by a worsening of symptoms in the previous phase. The oversights are always more significant; increases the inability to remember the names of family members with the ability to confuse them, as well as topographical disorientation increases, spatial and temporal. At this stage the need of supervision and assistance with activities of daily living becomes more urgent, the patient tends to neglect their appearance, their diet and daily activities; the mood disorders and behavior become more relevant.
3. severe Dementia (average 3 years):
is the Terminal phase of the disease in which the patient is completely dependent and requires continual assistance and total to keep alive. It is characterized by a total loss of the ability to speak and understand, can however be maintained up to this stage the ability to express emotions through her face. The subject becomes totally unable to recognize their own family, to make acts of daily life such as dressing, eating, washing, recognize their belongings and their homes. The movement is now totally compromise until the enticement, there is no longer any sphincter control.

You can read another articles like  Alzheimer Medication Donepezil,
Alzheimers Shimptoms, Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers, Signs Of Alzheimer.

stages of alzheimers
alzheimers stages

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