Monday, June 22, 2015

Alzheimers Shimptoms - Shimptoms Of Alzheimer

Alzheimers Symptoms - The Alzheimer's dementia has, typically, a sneaky start, people start to forget some things, to get to the point where it can no longer recognize even family members and need help also for everyday tasks easier.

The disease of memory

Dementia Alzheimer's disease today affects approximately 5% of people with more than 60 years and in Italy we estimate about 500,000 sick. It is the most common form of senile dementia, a condition caused by an alteration of brain function that involves serious difficulties for the patient in conducting the normal daily activities. The disease affects memory and cognitive functions, is affecting ability to speak and think but can also cause other problems including the States of confusion, mood changes and spatio-temporal disorientation. In patients with dementia of Alzheimer's disease there is a loss of nerve cells in the brain areas vital to memory and other cognitive functions. There is also a low level of those chemicals as acetylcholine, who work as neurotransmitters and are therefore involved in the communication between nerve cells.
Alzheimers Shimptoms - Shimptoms Of Alzheimer
Alzheimers Shimptoms - Shimptoms Of Alzheimer

Alois Alzheimer

The disease is named for Alois Alzheimer, German neurologist who for the first time in 1907 described the symptoms and Neuropathological aspects. Autopsy examination, the doctor noted distinguishing features in the brain tissue of a woman who had died as a result of an unusual mental illness. In fact, highlighted the presence of agglomerations, then defined amyloid plaques, and tangled fiber bundles, the neuro-fibrillary viluppi. Today plaques formed by amyloid proteins and viluppi, are considered the effects on nerve tissue of a disease which, despite the big efforts of field, we still do not know the causes.

The causes of Alzheimer's disease

The 99% of all cases of Alzheimer's disease is "rare" manifests itself in people who do not have a clear familiarity. Only 1% of cases are caused by an altered gene that determines the transmission from one generation to another. Such alterations are known today by three different genes that can brought to Alzheimer's disease. The cause of sporadic cases that those relatives reside in an apparently metabolism alteration of a protein called APP (amyloid beta precursor protein) which for reasons unknown yet at a certain moment of life begins to be metabolized so altered, leading to the formation of a neurotoxic substance (the beta amyloid) that slowly accumulates in the brain leading to progressive neuronal death.

There are also some risk factors, i.e. factors that determine a generic predisposition to the development of the disease, slightly higher than that manifested by persons who do not have such factors.
Generally, hereditary forms have a high penetrance, meaning many people of a family (3 or more) are affected by the disease. In addition, most of the hereditary forms occur in relatively young age (before the age of 65-70 years) and the age of onset of the first disturbance is relatively stable within the same family. The greater the number of people with the same family and the greater the likelihood that the disease has a hereditary cause, as well as more the age at onset is youth and the greater the likelihood.
There are also environmental factors that can play an important role, such as trauma or exposure to toxic substances (aluminum, aromatic hydrocarbons). The most important risk factor is age: as demonstrated by numerous studies, the incidence and prevalence of this disease increases markedly with age. Finally, it is well known that people with type 2 diabetes are at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

You can read another articles like Alzheimer Definition, Alzheimer Hippocampus, Alzheimer Medication Donepezil.

alzheimer symptom
alzheimer cause
alzheimer research

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