Thursday, June 25, 2015

What Is Alzheimers

What Is Alzheimers - Alzheimer's is a degenerative brain disease characterized by progressive decline of cognitive functions and memory, in particular, that involves an increasing difficulty to perform common daily activities, up to the complete loss of personal autonomy.


The exact causes that trigger and sustain the degeneration are unknown despite the significant amount of studies made in over a century since its discovery.
Many of the hypotheses advanced (viral, toxic, autoimmune), in fact, have not yet been confirmed and only the idea of a possible genetic origin seems to resist.
At avvalorarla there are the trend of the disease to occur more easily in individuals of the same family and its association with specific genetic variants (of chromosomes 14, 19 and 21).
We know, however, that the symptoms are due to widespread destruction of neurons, caused mainly by the betamiloide, a protein that, settling between neurons, acts as a kind of glue, including plaques and tangles "tangles" and by a strong decrease of acetylcholine in the brain a neurotransmitter essential for communication between neurons, and thus for memory and other intellectual faculties.
What Is Alzheimers
What Is Alzheimers


Disease onset is usually insidious because early symptoms are subtle and difficult to distinguish from common distractions and troubles of a healthy person who is just getting old.
Memory problems, for example, are the most characteristic of Alzheimer's and often the first to appear, but within certain limits can be considered "normal" in the elderly or be caused by other types of problems more or less serious and curable with appropriate therapies.
However, since only a careful visit and any other exams can remove the doubt between normal and pathological aging and possibly exclude different problems from Alzheimer's disease, it is important to understand when you go to the doctor.
If you want to know in detail the early symptoms of Alzheimer's read this article.
According to the American Alzheimer's Association there are ten symptoms that pay attention:
forgetfulness and memory disorders, particularly for the most recent facts (phenomenon that physicians indicate the term of anterograde amnesia);
difficulty performing tasks known as tie their shoes or button that does not depend on physical disabilities (apraxia);
fix to recognize objects and their functions (agnosia);
fix to give a name to the common things that are recognized (anomia);
spatial disorientation (family sites are confused) and temporal (err the month, season or year);
loss of judgment and assessment of social and environmental context;
difficulty in performing logical operations or relatively simple mathematics (acalculia) which may involve for example the fact of having to count and recount the money; tendency to lose things continually dimenticandole in the strangest places (keys in the refrigerator, kitchen linen); -sudden changes of mood or personality; and, finally, loss of initiative and interest in oneself, others and the environment in General.

When you go to the doctor

Each of these symptoms taken alone does not necessarily indicate the existence of a dementia and the appearance should not therefore scare, but rather sound like an alarm bell so go to the doctor, especially if there are precedents in family of degenerative brain diseases or if we are not experiencing a moment of stress or tiredness are particularly frequent or disturbing, tend to persist or worsen to add that gradually appear.


Even when you recognize the pathological character of some behaviors and get to a safe diagnosis is not easy even for the doctor.
First you have to exclude all other diseases that may have a similar symptomatology: the certainty of diagnosis of Alzheimer's can be had only by detecting typical signs of the disease, amyloid plaques and tangles, Hanks in brain tissue, and then only with biopsy or postmortem autopsy.
However, you can get to a diagnosis possible or likely even through the history of the patient and family, the analysis of symptoms and other laboratory and instrumental examinations: blood and cerebrospinal fluid to verify the possibility of anemias, biochemical or brain infections deficit; electroencephalogram; CT or MRI to observe possible anatomical alterations (cortical atrophy or expanded ventricles).
The hinge still remains and cognitive neuropsychological assessment through a series of tests aimed at assessing several functions: short-term memory (of numbers, words, phrases), long-term memory (voluntary and incidental), attentive, perceptive, and prassiche, and General cognitive functions. Among these one of the most well-known and used is the Mini Mental State Examination.
The presence of lag disorientation, memory deficit, acalculia, anomie or agnosia (particularly for animated objects) makes the clinical picture compatible with the diagnosis of Alzheimer-type dementia.


Unfortunately at present there is no treatment that can stop and heal the brain degeneration of Alzheimer's dementia.
However the symptomatic treatment and care continues with a targeted rehabilitation it slows progression while maintaining a good quality of life for as long as possible especially if implemented early to appearances of the first symptoms.
The course is slowly progressing to a stage where the seriousness of the insane framework increases the chances of contracting other organic diseases and reduces considerably the life expectancy, about 5-10 years after the onset of the disease.

You can read another articles like    How To Prevent AlzheimersStages Of AlzheimersTest AlzheimerThree New Gens Associated With Alzheimer's Diseaseas.

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alzheimers symptoms

Three New Gens Associated With Alzheimer's Diseaseas

Three New Gens Associated With Alzheimer's Diseaseas - Group of scientists, among which there are Spaniards, have been found 3 new genes associated with Alzheimer's disease is a welcome addition to the best-known, the APOE4, as significant risk factors for the most common cause of Alzheimer's.

The discovery, considered one of the most important in the last 15 years, will allow to reduce the proportion of people who develop the disease by 20%, provided that is achieved to reduce the harmful effects of these genes with treatment.
Three New Gens Associated With Alzheimer's Diseaseas
Three New Gens Associated With Alzheimer's Diseaseas

Julie Williams, Professor of Genética Neuropsicológica and his colleagues at the Centre of the Council of medical research in Cardiff on genetics and genomics neuropsychiatric, Wales (United Kingdom), conducted a comprehensive study of Association, reviewing the entire genetic map about 16,000 people in eight countries. The team identified two new genes--called Clusterin and PICALM-, which increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

A second study of the genome by Philippe Amouyel and colleagues at the Pasteur Institute of Lille, in France, looked at more than 6,000 people with Alzheimer's and nearly 9,000 healthy in France, Belgium, Finland, Italy and Spain. They identified the Clusterin, as well as a third gene called CR1.

The researchers said that the Clusterin could account for 10% of cases of Alzheimer's disease; PICALM, around 9 percent, and the CR1, 4 percent. In comparison, between 20 and 25 percent of the cases are related to the APOE.

According to scientists, it is still difficult to quantify risks associated with each gene disease, since the three are relatively common. In addition, they stressed that also a combination of unknown genetic factors and other external cause Alzheimer's. But I have clear is that identify genes can help researchers to understand the causes of disease and designing drugs to combat it.

For its part, the Spanish Confederation of sick of Alzheimer's and other dementias (Ceafa) has welcomed the news with "optimism", but also "caution".

Jesús Rodrigo, executive director of Ceafa, sample "wide" of people with which you conducted the work enables thinking that it would provide "consistent results" in the medium term. However, he adds, "we must be cautious", because this does not mean to spend time from now until the arrival of the cure of the disease, which affects about 3.5 million people, including patients, families, and caregivers in Spain.

You can read another articles like   Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers, How To Prevent AlzheimersStages Of AlzheimersTest Alzheimer.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Test Alzheimer - Alzheimers Test

Test Alzheimer - Our brain is somehow comparable to a car engine that, if kept well oiled, works well, working with synergy with mechanical, hydraulic and electrical. But is not always noticed a problem, at least until something breaks down and it becomes necessary to intervene by opening the engine, to discover the fault.

Fortunately, as in mechanics, Neurology today were made great strides and thanks to modern neuro-imaging techniques such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the multichannel Electroencephalogram (EEG), SPECT, magnetoencephalography (MEG) and infrared spectroscopy (NIRSI), we are able to observe, from the outside, our motor running.

Modern investigation techniques

Neuroimaging techniques measure the changes in local blood flow, increasing cellular activity and then. MEG and EEG recording neuronal activity conducted in the form of electromagnetic radiation, the PET, SPECT images and fMRI images indirect return of neuronal activity.

Test Alzheimer - Alzheimers Test
Test Alzheimer - Alzheimers Test

These techniques are used only in special conditions in laboratories and specialists able to comprehend complex machinery to verify the presence of a pathology, thus providing a vision of the brain in action, not in normal life, but in a laboratory test.

To stay on the subject is the measurement of engine compression ratio or do power tests the engines test bench and not on the road.

Returning to our brain, we don't have images and we don't know how to behave in our real life, such as what happens when we work, we talk to a friend, watch TV, eat. These are very important data to assess the health of our "engine".

In recent times, however, there have been important technological innovations. Very soon we may be able to carry out alone and with our regularity "test-drive" by sending real-time results to the physician, to detect any early signs of destructive diseases like Alzheimer's.

The first interesting development is the new methods for the EEG. Have become so small and cheap enough to be sold as wearable devices, wearable devices. Measure the brain activity through waves is not trivial as it might seem. In fact, offers a lot of information about the brain health of a person.

The latest news

New research carried out at the Queen's University Belfast, in collaboration with the laboratory of dr. Gabriele Miceli of the University of Trento in Italy, showed that the cognitive decline can be detected in older people, with a test of measuring brainwaves of just 30 minutes, in the laboratory.

The tests involved 40 healthy adults aged 25 and 80 years and 10 people with various early forms of dementia (age-related cognitive decline) within a range of 60 and 70 years, and has been measured "brain age" to a healthy person based on how quickly responded to a Visual stimulus on a screen.

As for the rest of our body, the brain naturally slows with aging, but in case of presence of cognitive deficits, the brain shows to be older than the chronological age would suggest. These tests could be used in the future as the basis for a diagnosis.

Another team of researchers, in this case of Carnegie Mellon University, looked at the brain's reaction to the reading of a chapter of a book, specifically adapted from the best-selling "Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone" chose to make reading fun and catchy. Reading is a very demanding task: when we read we must recognize individual words, get their meaning from our "mental dictionary", sew those words into sentences and, again, keep track of different characters as the story unfolds. Finally, if the plot is engrossing, emotions come into play and we must strive to manage them.

In this work – led by dr. Tom Mitchell and Leila Wehbe – the researchers were able to observe processes and brain activity during a real task. Thanks to fMRI were isolated parts of the brain involved in the process, a complex and challenging reading. In this way, the researchers were able to track, in real time, of cerebral activity during an action of everyday life.

Both experiments could be used to detect early cognitive deficits and to measure the effect of drugs or other therapies. The memory and vocabulary are some of the earliest mental capacities which decrease with aging. The patterns obtained with the EEG "custom" and with the task of reading could help to devise the best way of addressing future research.

But the developments do not stop here. According to scientists, similar methods could be used to resolve language problems and specific learning as dyslexia, as well as to measure attention and emotional involvement in disorders such as ADHD and autism. Seen the development of wearable devices and "app", it is very likely that in a short time, these tools will become part of our daily lives.

You can read another articles like  Alzheimers Shimptoms, Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers, How To Prevent AlzheimersStages Of Alzheimers.

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alzheimers test

Stages Of Alzheimers - Alzheimers Stages

Stages Of Alzheimers - The course of the disease in stages meant solely to guide who takes care of the sick on the evolutionary characteristics of the disease in order to allow for adequate planning of care and a greater awareness of what can happen and how to tackle it. The disease varies from person to person. We can however identify 3 main phases of disease.

1. mild Dementia (average duration 2-4 years):
It is characterized by disorders of memory, how can we forget the names and phone numbers, but, given the serious nature of these signs, they may go unnoticed or be justified as natural consequences of age. The progressive loss of memory, especially recently, can interfere with the normal course of daily commitments. The person finds it difficult to orient themselves in space and time, for example, may have trouble finding their way home. Even the language begins to be compromise: appear difficult to produce appropriate phrases to support thinking, frequent breaks are used for inability to "find the right word." The mood becomes more depressed as a result of his progressive disability awareness, or the reaction can be characterized by aggressive demonstrations and anxious.
Stages Of Alzheimers - Alzheimers Stages
Stages Of Alzheimers - Alzheimers Stages

2. moderate Dementia (average 2-10 years):
is the phase time typically longer-lasting, and is characterized by a worsening of symptoms in the previous phase. The oversights are always more significant; increases the inability to remember the names of family members with the ability to confuse them, as well as topographical disorientation increases, spatial and temporal. At this stage the need of supervision and assistance with activities of daily living becomes more urgent, the patient tends to neglect their appearance, their diet and daily activities; the mood disorders and behavior become more relevant.
3. severe Dementia (average 3 years):
is the Terminal phase of the disease in which the patient is completely dependent and requires continual assistance and total to keep alive. It is characterized by a total loss of the ability to speak and understand, can however be maintained up to this stage the ability to express emotions through her face. The subject becomes totally unable to recognize their own family, to make acts of daily life such as dressing, eating, washing, recognize their belongings and their homes. The movement is now totally compromise until the enticement, there is no longer any sphincter control.

You can read another articles like  Alzheimer Medication Donepezil,
Alzheimers Shimptoms, Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers, Signs Of Alzheimer.

stages of alzheimers
alzheimers stages

Signs Of Alzheimer - Signs Of Early Alzheimer

Signs Of Alzheimer - Clinical signs, unlike symptoms that are reported by the patient or family, concern all those items that are detected by the doctor by clinic visit.

Signs Of Alzheimer

  • Alzheimer established by clinical examination and assessment scales from investigating certain aspects of behavior or similar examinations and with confirmation of such deficit results to other Neuropsychological tests.
  • Deficiency of 2 or more cognitive areas such as language, reasoning, judgment, etc.
  • Progressive worsening of memory and other cognitive functions.
  • Absence of consciousness disorders.
  • Onset between 40 and 90 years, most often after 65.
  • Absence of systemic diseases or other brain diseases responsible for cognitive deficits and amnesiacs of progressive type.
Probable Alzheimer's diagnosis is supported by results in the standard instrumental tests and laboratory tests such as: normal EEG and/or nonspecific increase of slow brain activity, brain atrophy, visible through a TAC and worsens visibly when further testing to time distance from one another, no infections in cerebrospinal fluid.

Signs Of Alzheimer - Signs Of Early Alzheimer
Signs Of Alzheimer - Signs Of Early Alzheimer

Alzheimer's Symptoms

The presence of typical symptoms of Alzheimer without other neurological, psychiatric disorders or systemic (e.g., Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, hydrocephalus ...) that can cause Alzheimer and changes in onset, presentation or in the clinical course.
Presence of a concomitant neurological or systemic enough to produce Alzheimer , but not considered the real cause of Alzheimer (other diseases coexist beyond that dementigena such as thyroid imbalance or a neuroendocrine disorder).
Some Alzheimer's disease:

Presence of clinical criteria for the diagnosis of AD.
Presence of assemblamenti of tau and beta amyloid in the brain (plaques and neurofibrillary tangles) and insoluble visible only through a auotpsia.

You can read another articles like  Alzheimer Medication Donepezil,
Alzheimers Shimptoms, Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers, How To Prevent Alzheimers.

signs of alzheimers
signs of early alzheimers
alzheimers symptoms

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How To Diagnose Alzheimers With A Blood Test - Diagnosing Alzheimers

How To Diagnose Alzheimers With A Blood Test - You can predict the onset of Alzheimer's? According to a new study, released recently on Genome Biology, would be possible thanks to a simple blood test that could allow to identify the first signs of the disease and the advance of beta-amyloid plaques, the toxic protein that Smothers neurons and makes the disease progress. All this before this condition may damage the brain, causing memory loss, loss of memories and affections.


More than 200 people have been tested by analyzing microRNAs snippets 140 (parts of the genetic code) in patients with Alzheimer's disease and in healthy people. The comparison, made by German researchers at the University of Saarland, has made it possible to highlight 12 microRNAs present in larger amounts in people with Alzheimer's disease. The test results were very accurate with a percentage of accuracy equal to 93%. Predict Alzheimer's to 20 anniPer now it is just experimental studies, and the marketing of these blood test is still premature.
How To Diagnose Alzheimers With A Blood Test - Diagnosing Alzheimers
How To Diagnose Alzheimers With A Blood Test - Diagnosing Alzheimers

However, a group of researchers from various institutes and universities, the Banner Alzheimer's Institute in Arizona, Boston University and the University of Antioquia, they identified the "markers", diagnostic signs present in the blood that indicate a possible pathology, which could reveal as early as 20 years if you become ill with Alzheimer's.

The Lancet Neurology research has made it possible to discover a "spy" genetics, mutation of the gene called presenilin (PSEN 1) 1, which anticipates the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, familial form what can be "inherited" by the genetic parents and that may occur after the 40 years with the first signs of cognitive impairment.

We hope that this technique, which could be extended to the most common Alzheimer's, can be used soon preventing the disease by administering drugs.

You can read another articles like Alzheimers disease, Alzheimer Medication Donepezil,
Alzheimers Shimptoms, Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers.

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diagnostic blood tests
alzheimers test

Early Signs Of Alzheimers - First Signs Of Alzheimers

Early Signs Of Alzheimers - The onset of Alzheimer's disease is subtle. Begins with recent memory disorders, difficulty to find commonly used words in the language, loss of interest in daily activities, frequent forgetfulness, reiteration to ask questions... Sometimes they are relatives or people in your environment the first who appreciate these problems, and very often that the patient refusing even these early in the disease.

In its initial phase, the disease is not limiting for everyday life, but we have a degenerative disease that causes, also gradually, an inability to perform most everyday tasks and just creating dependency, which is - as well as a problem of health - a social problem, the intensity that interferes in the lives of the people in their environment.
Early Signs Of Alzheimers - First Signs Of Alzheimers
Early Signs Of Alzheimers - First Signs Of Alzheimers

Despite efforts in research, today, the complex mechanisms by which Alzheimer's disease is triggered are still a great unknown to the scientific community, so that we do not have a curative treatment. However, we have a broad array of treatments that help slow down the process of Neurodegeneration that occurs during the illness. But to apply them effectively, it is essential to diagnose the disease in its earliest phase.

Early signs of alzheimers

Here are ten warning signs that should lead to the neurologist consultation:

  1. Memory loss that affects the ability to work
  2. Difficulty carrying out daily tasks
  3. Problems with language
  4. Disorientation in time and place
  5. Poor or decreased judgment
  6. Problems with abstract thinking
  7. Things placed in wrong places
  8. Changes in mood or behavior
  9. Personality changes
  10. Loss of initiative
  11. Treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Along with drug treatment to try to slow the progression of the disease, has been shown that cognitive and physical stimulation of patients in specialised centres is highly recommended. Cognitive rehabilitation seeks to enhance mental functions affected by the disease, seeking to increase the neuronal reserve, as well as the number of connections between brain cells and the density of their networks.

This not only slows progress in the involvement of the memory, but improving the quality of life of patients.

Let us not forget that by "attacking" memory, destroys that which gives us a very important part of our identity: memories, to go progressively sowing our minds of blank pages...

You can read another articles like Alzheimers disease, Alzheimer Medication Donepezil,
Alzheimers Shimptoms, Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers.

early signs of alzheimers
signs of alzheimers

How To Prevent Alzheimers - Preventing Alzheimers

How To Prevent Alzheimers - 44 million people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, with 36 million, the most common of them. This figure expected to reach 135 billion in 2050 with corresponding social and economic problems that this entails.

Despite great efforts in research, the etiology of the disease is not clear, the methodology for diagnosis is limited and there are only symptomatic treatments that do not alter the course of the disease, they just slightly delayed the advance of the same. There are multiple drugs in various stages of development, most molecules neuromodulatory or anti-amiloidogenicas. However, the recent failures in advanced stages of clinical phases of compounds with Aß, has led to the interest for new targets, therapeutic approaches and clinical designs. In fact, own guidelines of regulatory agencies have transmitted these concerns in their updates to refer to the development of drugs against Alzheimer's.

New trends in research in Alzheimer's disease are designed to solve three major problems: etiology, diagnosis and treatment.

The priority is to anticipate and try to tackle disease development early in stages. Therefore, seeks more prevention than treatment, or rather, the objective is the search for disease-modifying drugs administered in the early stages will be able to modify the same progression. To be able to act in advance before they begin to demonstrate the consequences of the disease and thus have more chances to stop their advance or even cure the disease, it must be able to carry out diagnostic early.
How To Prevent Alzheimers - Preventing Alzheimers
How To Prevent Alzheimers - Preventing Alzheimers

Currently are being invested many resources in the development of diagnostic tools that allow it. Given the peculiar characteristics of the would-be patients, whose clinical manifestations are even emerging as with a patient with mild cognitive impairment, the development of tools not invasive becomes essential. In this way the work is centered in the search for biomarkers from human fluids that allow to predict that an individual will suffer from Alzheimer's disease. The use of these not only biomarkers will diagnose but also help to follow the progression of the disease and thereby facilitate therapeutic intervention and thus the success of therapy. You can also improve clinical designs and thus accelerate the developments.

The other workhorse resides in search of targets alternatives to those that are using and whose exploitation has led to recurrent failures in clinic. The current development of drugs valued new targets, not amyloid plaques or tangles, the main objective. These new targets include neuronal death, synaptic plasticity, oxidative stress, inflammation, metabolism of cholesterol, vascular targets or the mitochondria and the use of energy. Although there is some controversy surrounding the etiology of Alzheimer's, no denying today that it is a multifactorial disease, and as such, there is more than one target likely to be modified. This is why priority is given to the search for molecules carboplatin with more than one mechanism of action. Combination therapy, a trend also extended into other pathologies of such magnitude.

It is a new era for the development of drugs against Alzheimer's. Now we don't expect. We work to anticipate and be able to win a battle that we have lost so far always.

You can read another articles like  Alzheimer Medication Donepezil,
Alzheimers Shimptoms, Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers, How To Diagnose Alzheimers With A Blood Test.

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how to prevent alzheimers
alzheimer treatment

Monday, June 22, 2015

Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers

Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers - Among new disease of the 21st century undoubtedly highlight Alzheimer's disease. And it is that as life expectancy increases, it also increases the number of affected people this dementia.

Although the research is constant and every day we will know more aspects about it, not found cure for this; Although it is true that there are pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments which results in reducing symptoms, and although do not be brake full progression of the disease, if that slows their advance giving better quality of life to patients. But do not know exactly the disease does not mean that we do not know anything about it, there is growing evidence that mental and physical activity may reduce the chances of developing the disease or progression of this.
Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers
Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimers

An important aspect that we must know is COGNITIVE reserve.

What is, and why we need to know it?

Cognitive reserve is what we call this the difference between brain injury and its clinical manifestation. This can be summarized in:

Brain damage = observable dementia + book cognitivasumir in an equation:
or what is the same

Observable dementia = brain damage - cognitive reserve
I.e., in two people with the same brain damage, one with greater cognitive reserve has less observable dementia, is better.

And why is it important to learn this aspect? Because people more cognitive reserve (best mind training) that are supposed to them manifest signs of dementia later.

An example that may help us understand it, was that of a chess player who expressed mild signs of Alzheimer's disease. Shortly after discovering it died of other causes, and after examining their post-mortem brain (the definitive assessment of Alzheimer's disease is post-mortem) it was discovered that his brain was much more damaged than it might seem. His Alzheimer's disease was very advanced, but hardly noticeable (their cognitive reserve was very high). Similar cases have been discovered in people that speak more than one language, i.e. has come to the conclusion that the main weapon against deteriorating mental is conservation and work of the cognitive reserve.

Perhaps we can better understand because this happens if we think of people with some kind of disability, for example a Paralympic athlete: even with their disability is able to perform athletically better than most of us, and this is happening because it leverages its resources and optimizes them for work, something like this happens with our brain and the cognitive reserve, although many neurons are not useful which are have more connections and supplement the lack of the other.

But how can increase or maintain healthy our cognitive reserve?

It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, ranging from a healthy and balanced diet to the realization of any sport or physical activity, and the abandonment of harmful habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol. It has been shown that this improves our quality of life, but we must not forget our minds and we must not forget that a mental hygiene is as important as physical health or the food. Moreover, the concept of health should cover all of these areas. Let us not forget that the definition of health which gives it who is the following: "health is a State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Therefore, do not forget to include in your day to day habits that do find you better; Lee, practice some sport, be sure to learn new things, to get involved in projects that keep you motivated, socialize... enjoy life avoiding sedentarism, and see how every day you will find yourself better, and you're also building a healthy basis and strong for your future. Work on your well-being now will help you not only in the present, but also in the future. You don't think and start already!

You can read another articles like Alzheimers disease, Alzheimer Medication Donepezil,
Alzheimers Shimptoms.

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Alzheimers Shimptoms - Shimptoms Of Alzheimer

Alzheimers Symptoms - The Alzheimer's dementia has, typically, a sneaky start, people start to forget some things, to get to the point where it can no longer recognize even family members and need help also for everyday tasks easier.

The disease of memory

Dementia Alzheimer's disease today affects approximately 5% of people with more than 60 years and in Italy we estimate about 500,000 sick. It is the most common form of senile dementia, a condition caused by an alteration of brain function that involves serious difficulties for the patient in conducting the normal daily activities. The disease affects memory and cognitive functions, is affecting ability to speak and think but can also cause other problems including the States of confusion, mood changes and spatio-temporal disorientation. In patients with dementia of Alzheimer's disease there is a loss of nerve cells in the brain areas vital to memory and other cognitive functions. There is also a low level of those chemicals as acetylcholine, who work as neurotransmitters and are therefore involved in the communication between nerve cells.
Alzheimers Shimptoms - Shimptoms Of Alzheimer
Alzheimers Shimptoms - Shimptoms Of Alzheimer

Alois Alzheimer

The disease is named for Alois Alzheimer, German neurologist who for the first time in 1907 described the symptoms and Neuropathological aspects. Autopsy examination, the doctor noted distinguishing features in the brain tissue of a woman who had died as a result of an unusual mental illness. In fact, highlighted the presence of agglomerations, then defined amyloid plaques, and tangled fiber bundles, the neuro-fibrillary viluppi. Today plaques formed by amyloid proteins and viluppi, are considered the effects on nerve tissue of a disease which, despite the big efforts of field, we still do not know the causes.

The causes of Alzheimer's disease

The 99% of all cases of Alzheimer's disease is "rare" manifests itself in people who do not have a clear familiarity. Only 1% of cases are caused by an altered gene that determines the transmission from one generation to another. Such alterations are known today by three different genes that can brought to Alzheimer's disease. The cause of sporadic cases that those relatives reside in an apparently metabolism alteration of a protein called APP (amyloid beta precursor protein) which for reasons unknown yet at a certain moment of life begins to be metabolized so altered, leading to the formation of a neurotoxic substance (the beta amyloid) that slowly accumulates in the brain leading to progressive neuronal death.

There are also some risk factors, i.e. factors that determine a generic predisposition to the development of the disease, slightly higher than that manifested by persons who do not have such factors.
Generally, hereditary forms have a high penetrance, meaning many people of a family (3 or more) are affected by the disease. In addition, most of the hereditary forms occur in relatively young age (before the age of 65-70 years) and the age of onset of the first disturbance is relatively stable within the same family. The greater the number of people with the same family and the greater the likelihood that the disease has a hereditary cause, as well as more the age at onset is youth and the greater the likelihood.
There are also environmental factors that can play an important role, such as trauma or exposure to toxic substances (aluminum, aromatic hydrocarbons). The most important risk factor is age: as demonstrated by numerous studies, the incidence and prevalence of this disease increases markedly with age. Finally, it is well known that people with type 2 diabetes are at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

You can read another articles like Alzheimer Definition, Alzheimer Hippocampus, Alzheimer Medication Donepezil.

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alzheimer research

Alzheimers disease - What is Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimers disease - A high level of education and a job that requires a high level of cognitive activity seems to have a protective effect on the onset of dementia, as it increases the efficiency of the neuronal circuits and the so-called brain reserve, i.e. the ability of the brain to activate the neuronal circuits needed. It should however be pointed out that even people who do not have a high cultural level or employment have the same ability to protect its intellectual efficiency keeping mentally active through activities that keep the brain and stimulate cognitive capacities.

The use of stem cells opens up important new therapeutic areas and in the treatment of many diseases, including those of the central nervous system such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, could this be the future to feel better?
Alzheimers disease - What is Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimers disease - What is Alzheimers Disease

What does the research

Ngf research, the growth of nerve fibers, already published by the prestigious journal Nature Communications took place at Ebri, the European Brain Research Institute founded in Rome in 2002 by Rita Levi Montalcini to study the molecular and cellular mechanisms of our brains that enable learning, emotions and memory, both in normal and pathological conditions, such as with Alzheimer's. It was conducted by Antonino Cattaneo Professor of Neurobiology at the Normal of Pisa and collaborator of Levi Montalcini, assisted by two young neuroscientists, Ebri Maheu (the Institute employs a fifty items from various European countries) and Roberta Ghidoni of Fatebenefratelli, Brescia. And Crown a knowledge-based work and the effects of Ngf discovered by Nobel Prize winner, unforgettable disappearance to 102 years in 2012.

How it works and possible Alzheimer's care

Explains Carpenter: the study used the developments of intracellular antibody approach that I conducted previously in my workshops. Speaking on Hamster cells, small rodents which have proved valuable for testing, we were able to identify the intracellular site where begin to form the toxic molecular species that give the disease. " And launches a lunge of great relevance, scientific and social human if you think that Alzheimer's affects about 26 million people in the world and half a million in Italy: "the discovery allows you to envisage an experimental strategy with strong therapeutic potential. How? «By implementing a prior fight, ' says. «In the early stage of the disease, it will be possible in the future to hit through molecular probes targeted pathological structures before they are out of the cell. In essence, he explains, that will happen thanks to a magic bullet, a magic bullet, "with a high selectivity will delete only the toxic molecular species in the place where they form.

You can read another articles like Alzheimer Definition, Alzheimer Hippocampus, Alzheimer Medication Donepezil.

alzheimers disease
what is alzheimers disease

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Alzheimer Medication Donepezil

Alzheimer Medication Donepezil - Unfortunately, Alzheimer's is among the diseases for which no neurovegetative you know a specific pharmacological treatment: either way, the drugs used in treatment can relieve the symptoms or prolong the timing of the first and second stage of Alzheimer's disease that, as analyzed, have milder symptoms and blurred compared to the severe stage/advanced. Do not forget, however, that has not been identified any drug that can block the pathological degenerative evolution.
Alzheimer Medication Donepezil
Alzheimer Medication Donepezil

In addition to the administration of drugs designed to relieve symptoms (analysed later) it is essential to put in place some simple strategies to improve the quality of life of the patient:
  • Remove the mirrors: Alzheimer's patients, looking at their reflection in the mirror, they tend to be frightened and fidget
  • Keep the House in order, removing unnecessary decoration, possibly that might be confusing to sick of Alzheimer's
  • Adapt the living conditions to the needs of the sick
  • Stimulate the patient sick of Alzheimer's at a constant exercise, important for the well-being of the person and to remove stress
  • Pay attention to the meal of sick of Alzheimer's: these tend to forget to eat, why not find interest in food. In addition, patients should drink plenty of water.
  • Do not drink caffeine and not assume substance nervine: Alzheimer's patients of Alzheimer's, in fact, are already restless, therefore the administration of drinks or exciting foods could create a greater damage.
In addition to administration of medications to ease the symptoms, we recommend that you integrate with psychological therapy/psychiatric and behaviour: the purpose of these therapies is not parallel to heal the patient (because as we have seen was not identified an effective cure), rather slow, as far as possible, the normal course of the disease.

You can read another articles like Alzheimer Definition, Alzheimer Hippocampus.

donepezil medication
alzheimers medication

alzheimer cause

Alzheimer Hippocampus

Alzheimer Hippocampus - Alzheimer's related to alterations of the hippocampus: from 50 years even mild memory impairment may be the spy. After the age of 50 undergo-even in conditions of normalcy-a memory test may reveal early predisposition to develop Alzheimer's disease. This combining with test rating for a new type of MRI can detect anatomical alterations in brain areas responsible for memory functioning, in particular those related to the hippocampus microstructural; alterations that are always associated with any deficit. He highlighted one Italian study conducted at the IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia in Rome and published in Neurology, the official magazine of the American Academy of Neurology.

For several decades it is known that individuals suffering (traumatic causes, toxic, infectious, etc.) of anatomical damage in the hippocampus have, invariably, a reduction in the efficiency of memory until real amnesia. This study has now shown that it is precisely the hippocampus (along with nearby paraippocampali structures) the first to be attacked by Alzheimer's. This explains why a memory deficit is the most immediate alarm bells at the onset of the disease even in relatively elderly subjects and apparently normal. The study was conducted by a group of researchers from the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the Fondazione Santa Lucia: Giovanni Carlesimo, Caswell, Carlo Caltagirone and Gianfranco Salem.
alzheimers hippocampus
alzheimers hippocampus

To highlight this relationship, the researchers examined 76 healthy and free from clear neurological, aged between 20 and 80 years. These were subjected to a new type of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of the brain: the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) which enables you to highlight changes in the microstructure of the nerve cells. The sample studied was concurrently evaluated using test of verbal and Visual memory in the long term. The joint evaluation, Neuropsychological, and supporting Imaging showed that in people above 50 years low memory testing performance are significant related microstructural changes in the hippocampus.

The results of the study suggest that even in elderly subjects with memory performance reduced to the lowest level of the threshold of normality – but not clinically relevant – it should be ascertained whether the contemporary microstructural changes of hippocampus. The detection of this association between the two conditions might be a predictive increased susceptibility to develop Alzheimer's disease. If the periodic evaluation (for about three years) of the subjects included in the study, currently underway at the Fondazione Santa Lucia, will confirm the validity of this methodology could be developed earliest new drug therapies can change significantly the course of neurodegenerative disease.

You can read another articles like Alzheimer Definition.

alzheimers hippocampus
alzheimer diagnose
alzheimer society

Alzheimer Definition

Alzheimer Definition - Alzheimer's disease, generally called simply Alzheimer's, is a degenerative debilitating dementia that appears more frequently in old age from 65 years. When it comes to dementia syndrome, which is a series of symptoms that in time change the normal functionality of the organism; Alzheimer's disease is the cause of dementia in 50-60% of cases.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's

As we predicted Alzheimer's dementia is caused by a progressive degeneration of the brain cells, particularly those in the areas of language, memory, perception and cognition. Alzheimer's disease is not infectious, is not contagious, is often hereditary and is not a result of normal aging, i.e. not all getting old are affected by Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer Definition
Alzheimer Definition

Alzheimer's disease is also called "4 disease" on the basis of symptoms presenting during its evolution:

  • Amnesia, memory loss;
  • Aphasia, inability to properly use verbal language;
  • Agnosia, inability to process stimuli and to recognize people, places or things;
  • Apraxia, inability to perform voluntary movements.
  • The mortality of Alzheimer's patients is higher than that of persons of the same age not sick, the most common cause of death is pneumonia, this is because Alzheimer's reduces the immune system increases the risk of contracting infections. Generally the duration of the disease varies from 3 to 20 years.

Alzheimer's causes are still unknown, although research turns on three areas-family history, external environment, internal causes to the body – without identify a prevalent on other, because most scholars believed to be caused by a combination of factors.

Alzheimer's society

In Italy the population stricken by Alzheimer's is about 500,000 people worldwide, about 18 million. Data over time have grown because grown is the average age and the ageing of the population overall. Alzheimer's as well as having a strong impact on the individual, it also has repercussions on society as a whole. There is not a valid therapy for Alzheimer's patients, the disease worsens with time, increasingly demanding economic, organizational resources but above all emotional, for the sick and for his family.

alzheimers definition
alzheimer society